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Classic is a collection of romantic jewellery inspired by the art of Ancient Greece. This lovely pendant in the shape of a small medallion is made from sterling silver with flower motifs. The name, Calantha, means “beautiful flowers” in Greek. The chain measures 45cm. If you would like a larger chain, please get in touch with us at
Classic is a collection of romantic jewellery inspired by the art of Ancient Greece. These lovely earrings are made out of sterling silver with floral motifs. Calantha means “beautiful flowers” in Greek. They will give a romantic touch to your outfit.
Classic is a collection of romantic jewellery inspired by the art of Ancient Greece. This sterling-silver bracelet with a geometric shape is inspired by Greek ceramics. Its name means “stands out from others.” It is a flexible item, which can measure either 18cm or 20cm, depending on how you close it.