Terms and conditions

These terms and conditions cover electronic purchases through the website www.nataliaserna.es (henceforth the Website) and the online shop that it contains (henceforth the Shop), both of which belong to Natalia López Serna,  N.I.F 335522534B, Apartado de Correos 46, 08860, Spain. Using the Website and the Shop means that you agree to comply with the terms and conditions covered below.

For further comments or questions, please get in touch via the email shop@nataliaserna.es.

Legal notice

This Website and Shop is the property of Natalia López Serna, a self-employed worker under Spanish law. The information, designs and graphics, as well as any other graphical or visual representation, within this Website and Shop are protected by the intellectual property and industrial rules of Spain and international rules. It is completely forbidden to copy or reproduce the information, designs and/or graphics without the express written consent of the Owner. The information contained in the Website and Shop can be changed without prior notice.

Prices, taxes, shipping costs and packaging

All the prices include Spanish value added tax (IVA in Spanish).

Shipping is free in mainland Spain. Items will be sent by messenger within mainland Spain.

Shipping to the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, Ceuta, Melilla and international destinations will be by certified mail. Please get in touch with shop@nataliaserna.es to find out how much it will cost.

The product will be sent to the address given during the purchase. The shop reserves the right not to send packages to mailboxes. It will be necessary to sign for the package when it arrives. The shop isn’t responsible for the item if someone other than the buyer signs for the item.

Our items will be shipped in a cotton bag, which is perfect for keeping the item safe. In the packaging section you can find different boxes to improve the presentation of your gift.

Availability of product

We recommend placing an order with time to spare. If we have an item in stock, we will send it within two working days from the order. If the item isn’t in stock, it will take more time to dispatch your order as we will have to make it. To find out how long it is likely to take, please send an email to shop@nataliaserna.es.

Right to cancel

You have the right to cancel your contract within 14 days without having to justify it. The client doesn’t have the right to cancel for products in the SPECIAL DESIGNS section or for customized orders.

In order to execute your right to cancel it is necessary to notify the decision to withdraw from the contract via an email to shop@nataliaserna.es. We will reply with the shipping address for the return.

If you cancel your order, we will return all payments made without delay. This will be done within 14 days of receiving the returned goods. The devolution will be made using the same payment method used in the original order.

The goods to be returned should be shipped without delays within 14 days of sending the initial notification. The client needs to make sure that the product is returned in perfect conditions and in its original packaging.

If the product arrives with any defects, please get in touch with shop@nataliaserna.es as soon as possible.

Safe shopping

Nataliaserna.es is committed to protecting the personal information of our clients. We use the industry standard encryption protocol, called Secure Socket Layer (SSL), to keep the information about your order confidential. All orders are scrambled when they are sent.

You can check the safety of your order in your browser while you are in the orders section. The majority of browsers use symbols to alert you whether you are in a safe website or not.

When you create an account, we will save your shipping and billing information. This information will only be used by nataliaserna.es. Your order will be handled by Paypal.

Privacy policy

This is the privacy policy of www.nataliaserna.es (the Website).


    The purpose of this notice is to inform users about the general terms of the Website’s privacy and data-protection policy. This policy could be revised due to legislative changes or other reasons. Users are advised to check regularly. This policy will be applied when users fill in forms asking for personal information, without prejudice to other applicable terms.

    The Website is thoroughly aware of the use and treatment of personal data that may be obtained from users in their use of the website and for informing them of products or services that could be of their interest.

    The Website is committed to keeping all data of a personal nature secret. The website will take technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of personal data, avoiding changes, losses and unauthorized access, keeping in mind the technology available, in accordance with the legislation. The website cannot guarantee the impregnability of the internet or the impossibility of fraudulent access by third parties.
  4.       USE OF COOKIES

    The website uses cookies. These are small text archives that the server keeps in the hard drive of the user to collect statistical data about navigation and which also allow advertising. They don’t contain personal information. Users can configure browsers to accept or reject the installation of cookies or to remove them after leaving a website. However, the Website recommends and appreciates the use of cookies to improve the content and adapt it to meet the user’s preferences. The Website cannot be held responsible if the user dis-activates cookies and this harms the correct functioning of the Website.

    If you decide to subscribe, you will be asked for personal information to manage the products and services needed (name, email, postal address, etc). Furthermore, you might be asked to voluntarily submit some additional data to help the Website manage special offers and services.

    Users are responsable for the authencity of any data submitted. Users are also responsable for communicating any modifications. The Website is exempt from any responsibility in this respect. The Website reserves the right to exclude form its services any user who submits false information, without prejudice to other actions or legal requirements.
  7.       ACCESS TO DATA

    No third party will be given direct access to personal data without the express consent of the user. Only those who are responsible for providing services will have access.
  8.       USER RIGHTS

    Users have the right to access, cancel and modify their data. In order to do so, they need to contact the Website, identify themselves and provide details of their request. They need to provide proof of identity. Please bear in mind that the process will be conducted according to Spanish law.

    In accord with Spanish law, the Website will never send out publicity or commercial communications without the express permission of users. The Website also won’t forward unsolicited messages or chain emails.

    The website informs its users that they can unsubscribe from its mailing list at any time. 

    Procedure for purchases

    The following information is offered to comply with Spanish laws regarding electronic purchases. Contracting is through the Shop. It will be realized through the exchange of emails between the Owner and the user. The Owner will save relevant emails in her inbox. You have the right to request the identification and correction of whatever data is necessary for the contract.

    Contact between the Owner and the user will be in Spanish. You have the right to request communication in English. In any case, the user can ask the Owner to send an email containing the terms and conditions of the contract between you and the Owner.

    Contract offers issued to the user by the Owner will have a validity of seven days. You should accept the validity within this time, confirming your acceptance by email. Communications received by the Owner outside this time can be considered invalid and non-binding.

    Once the Owner has received by email your acceptance of the terms, she will send an email confirming receipt, which will count as proof of the contract. Once you receive this email, you have seven days, which cannot be extended, to break the contract electronically, according to the procedure in these terms and conditions, via an email to the Owner.

    The Owner declares that an electronic contract is the only means of contracting with the Shop.

    The Owner declares that once payment has been received as part of the contract between the Owner and the user, as a consequence of the acceptance of the offer and confirmation by the owner, the Owner will issue a receipt by email.

    You should use the same email address throughout the procedure explained in these terms and conditions. The owner is not responsible if you do not comply with any of the points contained within these terms and conditions.

    Underage shoppers

    Our shop isn’t intended for people under the age of 18. We don’t intentionally collect or store information about underage people. If we are told that a child has bought an item without the consent of a parent, we will immediately cancel the order, if the parents wish.